About Latitude Artist Community

Latitude Artist Community serves all people - with an emphasis on those thought by some to have a disability - by creating meaningful, inclusive community interactions which allow participating artists to contribute culturally and politically to the life of their community.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Letter going... drifting (performance ritual)

Letter going... drifting                                                                                                                                        performance/ritual collaboration by Steven and various Latitude Artists. Steven has created thousands of "letters" over the years. For this performance Steven's "letters" were collected in a decorated box and then turned to ash during a mini ritual (video below). The ashes will be placed in a bottle made especially for this and introduced into the waters off New York City- from which Steven hopes it will eventually make its way to Japan.

Latitude artists worked together to create the box and bottle. Afterwards we burned the letters and filled the bottle with the ash.

See a video of the letter burning ritual here!