About Latitude Artist Community

Latitude Artist Community serves all people - with an emphasis on those thought by some to have a disability - by creating meaningful, inclusive community interactions which allow participating artists to contribute culturally and politically to the life of their community.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Fall Fusion movement workshops at Latitude with Teresa Tomb of Mecca

Latitude's Fall Fusion Workshops explore the Rhythms and Movements of other worlds
at Latitude with Teresa Tomb of Mecca Live Studio
These free workshops/classes are based upon the types of classes you will find at Mecca Live Studio. Teresa Tomb of Mecca will be facilitating all workshops and will be on hand afterwards to talk to you about the what Mecca offers.
All Classes are free/all ages and are open to the public
Wed   Sept 12, 10:30am- 11:15am - Hawaiian and Polynesian Rhythms and Movements
Mon   Sept 17, 10:30am- 11:15am Middle Eastern Rhythms and Movements
Thurs Sept 20, 10:30am- 11:15am  Turkish Rom Rhythm and Movements
For more information:
Bruce Burris
Latitude Artist Community
948 Manchester Street, Lexington, KY
(859) 806-0195, latitudearts@yahoo.com