About Latitude Artist Community

Latitude Artist Community serves all people - with an emphasis on those thought by some to have a disability - by creating meaningful, inclusive community interactions which allow participating artists to contribute culturally and politically to the life of their community.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Latitude's (PEAL) takes action on curb cuts

Lexington's (LFUCG) new ADA Coordinator, Tom Wilson is asking which curb cuts are the worst. We think these two represent the very worst. If you know of others (and we know you do) please send pics and addresses to: twilson@lexingtonky.gov

A survey taken by Latitude's PEAL "Project Easy Access Lexington" rated Short St. as the street with most dangerous curb cuts.

The first picture shows the curb cut on Short and Broadway- here you are forced into moving traffic to actually cross the street. The 2nd pic is at Short and Market- this is the steepest incline of all curb cuts in Lexington- it is almost impossible to go up manually and going down- you are deposited into the street at a very high rate of speed. Years ago we dubbed it the Ski Slope.