About Latitude Artist Community

Latitude Artist Community serves all people - with an emphasis on those thought by some to have a disability - by creating meaningful, inclusive community interactions which allow participating artists to contribute culturally and politically to the life of their community.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


This Poem Breathes For You

Wanted: One Literary Conjurer (writer/poet) needed to create/perform in Latitude Artist Community’s installation/performance …This Poem Breathes For You… at THE RAYMOND THUNDER-SKY FOLK ART CARNIVAL Saturday/Sunday September 25& 26 11am- 6pm, Cincinnati Ohio

What: On the order of a carnival quick sketch artist, the Literary Conjuror will be seated at a decorated card table on which there will be a manual typewriter (and paper). Folk art carnival goers will be invited to present the conjurer with up to three words (on an index card) which best represents their interior intensions, the literary conjuror then has up to five minutes to craft a luminous ode (of no more than three lines in length) in response.

To apply: Please no more than 100 words on… Why I would like to be a literary conjuror for a weekend. Please attach one writing sample or a link to current efforts. Finalists may be invited to audition at Latitude, the Literary Conjurer will be selected by Latitude artists.

Honorarium: Latitude’s Literary Conjuror will receive an honorarium of $100.00 and a ride (both days) to and from Cincinnati with lunch included.

Submissions/information: by Email only please to “Conjuror” Latitudearts@yahoo.com

Deadline: Submissions by Tuesday Sept 14
September 25 & 26, 2010, 11 am to 6 pm both days,
Building Value Retail Outlet, 4040 Spring Grove Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio
Art booths, family art-making activities, a cookout -all to celebrate the Thunder-Sky spirit
Link: http://thunderskyfolkartcarnival.blogspot.com/